Thursday, October 18, 2012

The UNETHICAL practice of MEN selling lingerie to women in Saudi Arabia in my opinion is intolerable and needs to STOP. The whole religious aspect and the religious barriers in the country,  makes me wonder why MEN are allowed to work in a lingerie store, in the first place? and if MEN are allowed to sell intimate and personal clothing to women then why in the world are WOMEN pressurized into covering their entire body (at times even their eyes), when we already know that men are imagining us with nothing on, which makes a more uncomfortable and embracing shopping experience. An article titled “Saudi Women Shatter the Lingerie Ceiling” written by Thomas W. Lippman stated “One of the oddest sights in Saudi Arabia is that of fully veiled women, hidden from others by their enveloping garments, going into the Saudi equivalent of Victoria’s Secret stores....”This absurd situation so embarrassed many women that they waited until they were out of the country to buy their underwear and nightgowns”.  I leave you with a one question is this acceptable? 

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