Thursday, September 20, 2012

Colorism concept in India

Brief History

 "The origins of colorism in India are obscure and may be traced as far back to the migrations of Aryans into India during the Vedic period. Furthermore, they are certainly linked to an associated of darker skin with labor and lighter skin with the types of intellectual and/or domestic labor associated with higher castes within ancient caste order in the Vedic system."(Glenn, 2009)

Health issues

India woman and men believe that having fair skin is a sign of beauty.  However the ingredients that are being used are slowly raising health issues. Two of the main ingredients for these bleaching skin beauty products are mercury and hydroquinone. These two chemicals mixed together are meant to burn skin, which cause skin to become hyper-sensitive to sun rays and burn the color of. Now imagine when you bleach your hair, even though you burn your hair the damge can be fixed. You have done some damage to your hair but there is a solution, which is cutting your hair and growing it again. But with skin that is quite impossible to do so, not only did these woman and men make their skin sensitive to sun rays but also vulnerable to catch skin cancer which is really severe. Media has an impact and has shaped the starndards of beauty for India.  

1 comment:

  1. Glenn, Evelyn. Shades of Difference: Why Skin Color Matters. Stanford: Standford University Press, 2009. Print.
