Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bridal Salon

The Importance of a Bridal Salon
Shopping online has become very popular with the thriving accessibility we have to it, from computers, laptops, to our very own cellphones. It has become a convenient way of shopping for busy women, and the amount of sites one can visit in a short period of time is boundless. 
In regards to a bride to be though the experience of essentially seeing and trying on a dress is very important. Women may go through websites or magazines to get an idea of what they like, or maybe even actually find a dress they want, but the idea of purchasing straight of the website is highly unlikely. For many, trying on a wedding dress is not only about fitting, but an emotional experience as well. Fittings usually consist of family members and or friends that help you through the process of choosing a dress, making it a very social expressive event. This entirely can make for a somewhat emotional roller-coaster. The idea that when you get emotional over a dress it’s “the one” makes this experience necessary for many brides.  Regarding what has been said, this is definitely one thing that the internet cannot duplicate, making bridal salons a very significant stop in wedding planning. 

Princess for a day

Finding your perfect DRESS-
Women all over the world dreams about one thing their wedding day, More importantly their wedding dress. I believe every women have pictured themselves in their perfect dress walking down the aisle. I have always wondered though... Is finding the Perfect Wedding Dress an essential part of who you are as a women? I mean, It is not as important for men to find the perfect tuxedo but for a women its within them to be beautiful and perfect for their special day. Of course their can be many obstacles in their way such as their budget, the perfect color, the perfect size but we, as women have adapted a unique strength to continue to look and search till we find the one dress, the “Princess Dress”  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Color of Skin

The Color of Skin through Pop Culture 
The popularity of whitening creams in modern India may seem somewhat taboo to the Western Countries, but our ideas of sun bathing, tanning beds and or sprays are clearly not much different.  They are clearly ways of changing our appearances to what we believe makes us more attractive and beautiful.  
Culture, considerably POP Culture, plays a big role in these standards of physical beauty. From Bollywood featuring a majority of noticeably lighter skin men and women, to American actors in Hollywood having this year round beach tan, also known as a “natural glow”.
Whether one is worse than the other, they are definitely many health risks that must be taking into consideration .One of the most impactful ways we can decrease these risks is by changing our way of representing beauty in society and media. By portraying and acknowledging natural beauty ranging from fair to darker skin, we accept that natural skin is above these pretentious cosmetics.

The Color of Beauty

The woman in the picture is Model Ajuma Nasenyana.she is a black model who has modeled for everyone from Victoria Secret to  Carlos Mienes. she never attempts to change her skin and enjoys to be natural. However, even people in Europe and America love her dark skin, Nasenyana is dismayed that at home she is seem as less than ideal, and some consider it not attractive. As the book introduced, in India,  lighter skin is often a significant advantage, and the ancient system of social division that straightforward divided lighter skin with a higher caste. Furthermore, from advertising and magazines, to TV and film, the black aesthetics are being pushed out.
Dark skin is not only the mark of beauty but an indication of caste, which is not fair in such a diverse world. I mean, people should be able to accept and fairly face everything now...       While, in my opinion, it is not the point that light skin people dismayed dark skin. it is the dark skin people themselves dislike their own skin color. born with it, live with it. I think dark- skinned people should love their skin instead of bleach it.

The color of beauty

In the subcontinent corporate companies for skin products such as Fair & Lovely convey a common perception that the lighter a woman's skin, the better her life would be. In Fact it would be "Perfect". Isn't it interesting to see the contrast in how of the Indian population use certain skin products to get an end result of lighter skin where as,  In the western population most individuals use variety of skin products to darken their skin. 
So I ask you, Does the color of your skin determine where your stand in society? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Colorism concept in India

Brief History

 "The origins of colorism in India are obscure and may be traced as far back to the migrations of Aryans into India during the Vedic period. Furthermore, they are certainly linked to an associated of darker skin with labor and lighter skin with the types of intellectual and/or domestic labor associated with higher castes within ancient caste order in the Vedic system."(Glenn, 2009)

Health issues

India woman and men believe that having fair skin is a sign of beauty.  However the ingredients that are being used are slowly raising health issues. Two of the main ingredients for these bleaching skin beauty products are mercury and hydroquinone. These two chemicals mixed together are meant to burn skin, which cause skin to become hyper-sensitive to sun rays and burn the color of. Now imagine when you bleach your hair, even though you burn your hair the damge can be fixed. You have done some damage to your hair but there is a solution, which is cutting your hair and growing it again. But with skin that is quite impossible to do so, not only did these woman and men make their skin sensitive to sun rays but also vulnerable to catch skin cancer which is really severe. Media has an impact and has shaped the starndards of beauty for India.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The reflection
the pic shows that all the Kalabari women are rounded hips. and appear to be more plumpy than the standard American ideal body type. Plumpy is a more primitive body type, and it used to be the ideal in the China history, too. In my consideration, different culture has different aesthetic of desired body type. However, as the technology and internet has developed to be the medium for the world to become smaller and smaller. different cultures and society are sharing the same information on almost every aspect, which make women have the same aesthetic now. Since Kalabari is still not well-developed, so their culture and aesthetic is remaining primitively. In my opinion, it is precious and valuable to remain cultural aesthetic, it destingishs you from everyone else. yet, keep updating is always good, too.

The Kalabari Tribe

Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder? Or has culture molded these beliefs? This picturesque woman we see in the United States may not be an interchangeable beauty in other areas of the world. Whether you realize or not, one’s culture significantly sets the ideals of beauty, and these ideals can be particularly different due throughout countries, cities, villages, etc.  The criteria may have come from changing times or through historical references, and origin, but they must all be considered to understand others views.
An example of a culture who really opposes the U.S. and western countries ideals of beauty are the Kalabari; an ethnic group residing in Niger River.  This distinct subgroup culture of West Africa idealizes this female appearance known as Iria, celebrating a certain way of dress and body modification. There ideal of a fuller figured woman, hardly close to the American ideal of a thin fit body, resonates from the idea of having the qualities of a child bearing and rearing woman. This represents beauty and maturity in their culture. These two pictures below show a good representation of the American ideal beauty against the Kalabari beauty.

Now which is more beautiful, is in the eyes of the beholder by understanding that a persons cultural beliefs and ideas of beauty led to that decision. There is no answer suitable answer to which one is correct it all comes down to what you come to know as “beauty”.

Big is beauty, but by force feeding!

A culture with a very different perception of beauty, force eating is still encouraged throughout Africa. Not considering the consequences and the health issues that can rise due to their tradition practices.

The Kalabari Tribe

Most individuals in our society believes being thin is what makes an individual visually appealing as well as healthy but in The Kalabari tribe the fatness or plumpness of a women is what is considered to be the sign of beauty. It is always important to gain knowledge on distinctive cultures as well as figure out What others have to say about the meaning of DRESS? and What values/ideals they hold on the meaning of BEAUTY?

The Wrappers are large pieces of cloth that comes in variety of colors and patterns
that is wrapped around the midsection of the body to emphasize the roundness of a womens figure (shown in the image above). 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beverly Center

Stopped by Forever 21 and jumped in a photo booth for some fun smooch shot. Fun night!

We couldn't resist getting a shot with these group of cool individuals. Their styles were amazing!! 

Charles David

Charles David at the Beverly Center was one of the few stores that really went all out for FNO. The store had this great event that heightened the customers shopping experience with its live music; DJ booth accompanied by drinks and hors’ derves. They were also really smart including promotions, sales on the entire store at up to 70% off! The actual Fashions Night Out was not excluded from the store with a wall framing both Fashions Night Out and Charles David it made you recall what this night was all about. Overall the event was a success; they succeeded in getting our attention, while enjoying ourselves and getting us to shop!


The opportunity to pick & choose your own design for your awesome!! Bloomingdales offered a great service on September 6th 2012 for Fashion Night Out at the Beverly Center, where everyone gathered in to be a part of all the action! All you had to do was pick a pair of converse, pick your design and stand back to see your creativity come to life :)  

Giuseppe Zanotti Design

With no doubt, FNO has become one of the most famous events in fashion field. In china, Giuseppe Zanotti Design introduced the electric blue high water table high heels "Muse” in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong shops. They hosted Music Receptions, offered discounts and gifts sending surprise, and bloomed electric light together with fashion lovers.